Compression Therapy
The most common form of compression therapy is the use of compression stockings. Compression stockings can offer an alternative to the above procedures in treating varicose veins. They can be effective in relieving symptoms of venous disease, stopping its progression, and decreasing the likelihood of a clot. Stockings provide an option for patients who are not ambulatory and, as a result, cannot engage in the activity required for other procedures. They also provide an alternative for patients who prefer not to opt for other treatments.
Compression stockings are provided by prescription. They provide gradient pressure on the leg muscle, which reduces the pooling of blood. Stockings may take some initial adjustment, but they can be worn for years as a long term solution to manage symptoms of venous disease, or they can be used in the short term to reduce the likelihood of a clot during long periods of sitting, such as on a long plane ride. A specialist can help ease the transition to the use of compression stockings and will continue to monitor symptoms during their use.
In more severe cases, or in cases of edema or ulcers, bandages may be used as a form of compressions therapy.
Visit the American College of Phlebology to understand more about venous disease, its symptoms, and its treatment.
Learn about your options. If you are experiencing leg discomfort or ulcers, or if you are interested in stopping the progression of varicose veins, the Vein Healthcare Center provides services for patients in Maine, New England, and surrounding communities. Dr. Cindy Asbjornsen is a certified phlebologist who provides complete medical care for your symptoms using the very best of today's treatment options.
Contact us at 207-221-7799, or visit us at our South Portland, Maine location.